Titanic, 25 years old and still a big question: could Jack have been saved?

On December 19, 1997, Titanic di James Cameron was released, one of the films that have marked the history of world cinematography and which managed to be awarded with 11 Oscars out of 14 nominations (record of both awards won and nominations).

Since then, in these 25 years, only one question has been constantly repeated in a hammering way: the character of Jack Dawson, played by Leonardo Di Caprio, could have been saved if he had managed to get on the floating door on which the character of Rose DeWitt Bukater, played by Kate Winslet, had found shelter following the shipwreck of the Titanic?

In recent years the theories for or against have been wasted. Now it seems that the director himself  James Cameron  is ready to give a definitive answer to the question. Will it be enough to close the matter?!

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25 years since the release of Titanic di James Cameron
On December 19, 1997, Titanic by James Cameron was released, one of the films that have marked the history of world cinematography and which managed to be awarded 11 Oscars out of 14 nominations (record of both awards won and nominations).
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The unanswered question of these years: Jack, could he have saved himself?
Since then, in these 25 years, only one question has been constantly repeated in a hammering way: the character of Jack Dawson, played by Leonardo Di Caprio, could have been saved if he had managed to get on the floating door on which the character of Rose DeWitt Bukater, played by Kate Winslet, had found shelter, following the shipwreck of the Titanic?
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What happens in the movie
In the film the story unfolds in this way: when the Titanic finally sinks, Jack and Rose seek shelter while waiting for rescue, having to face an Atlantic Ocean with freezing temperatures. Rose manages to get on a door that floats on the water, even Jack tries to climb, but when he does, the door does not seem to support the weight of both and so Jack decides that only Rose will stand on the door, while he remains almost completely submerged in the icy water. At that point Rose falls asleep, distraught, and when he opens his eyes, to draw the attention of the rescue, Jack has now frozen to death and can only say goodbye.
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The theories that have followed in recent years
In short, for 25 years, there are those who have been trying to show that Jack could have climbed on the door because this would have been able to support the weight of both, and therefore could have been saved. On the other hand, however, there were those who confirmed what happened in the film, and therefore Jack was destined to die. Neither theory, however, seems to have ever been able to give a definitive answer on the question.
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The director James Cameron is ready to definitively close the matter
On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the film Titanic, the director James Cameron said he was ready to answer definitively (hopefully) the age-old question. Cameron said that he had completed a scientific study with an expert, in which it will be shown very clearly that Jack could not save himself. The studio, which has become a documentary, is expected to air on National Geographic North America in February 2023.
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