5 celebrities that today are doing a job that you would never expect

You know those celebrities you haven't heard of in a long time, but often wonder what happened to them?

Today we bring you five celebrities who have changed jobs and are doing anything but what they did in the past.

These include Steven Seagal, Amanda Bynes, Kevin Jonas, and others.

Some have stayed more or less in the industry, while others have broken away completely.

These celebrities do jobs that you might not expect.

We have chosen five celebrities and bring them to you.

What are you waiting for? Browse through the photo gallery to discover right now "5 celebrities doing work today that you would never expect." Amazing!

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Frankie Muniz. Do you remember that little boy who starred in the TV series "Malcom". That's right, that's him in the picture today. The actor today participates in car races and plays drums!
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Amanda Bynes works as a fashion designer and decided to finish her studies.
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Kevin Jonas, the star of "Jonas Brothers" decided to stop his music career. He created a fairly popular app in the United States called " Yood ".
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Tom Selleck, l'attore di "Friends" occasionally takes part in filming movies and TV series, but he has officially retired from the profession. Today the actor runs a huge land where he produces avocados.
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Steven Seagal, among the most popular actors in the 1980s and 1990s is still acting, but since 2013 the actor has been deputy sheriff of New Mexico (USA).
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