5 celebrities with very peculiar eating habits

Today we discuss five celebrities with very particular eating habits.

Hollywood stars, from Angelina Jolie all the way to Heidi Klum, often have very particular habits: sometimes they are simply personal tastes, sometimes they serve to stand out, and sometimes they simply depend on the desire to achieve a certain physique.

Today we tell you about five celebrities who, in our opinion, have somewhat peculiar eating habits. Some like to combine unusual foods, someone else is fond of uncommon foods, others deprive themselves of many foods to follow a specific diet.

Let's look at them together.

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Angelina Jolie
It is said that the actress is fond of insects: in particular, she likes to eat fried ants and grilled grasshoppers.
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The singer is said to be a lover of energy drink. She also cares a lot about her figure: in fact, every meal she demands that there be a good amount of flaxseed in her dishes.
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Naomi Campbell
The model is said to be a lover of Florentine steak (bistecca) and likes to pair it with Vodka.
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Victoria Beckham
The actress is said to be very careful about the "ph" of the foods she eats: in particular, foods should not have a "ph" higher than 7 (legumes, fruits, other products rich in iron, magnesium, calcium and zinc).
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Heidi Klum
The model is said to sip some vinegar before meals with the aim of appeasing her appetite.
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