Adele amazing in the opening night of Las Vegas between rain and flames

The concert series "Weekends with Adele" has begun and will continue until March 25 for a total of 32 performances in 16 weekends. Adele offered two hours of music with a show between rain and flames. Many songs have seen her as the absolute protagonist in these ten years of enormous success.

Adele will earn almost 600,000 euros per evening for a grand total of 14 million and 300,000 euros.

The show was supposed to start as early as January 2022 but due to the problems due to Covid it was impossible to finish preparing the show.

So, ten months later, the show has finally started and is also Adele's first live show after a five-year hiatus.

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Finally Adele
The concert series "Weekends with Adele" has begun and will continue until March 25 for a total of 32 performances in 16 weekends.
Getty Images
Great show
Adele offered two hours of music with a show between rain and flames. Many songs have seen her as the absolute protagonist in these ten years of enormous success.
Getty Images
Great earnings 
Adele will earn almost 600,000 euros per evening for a grand total of 14 million and 300,000 euros.
Getty Images
Ten months late
The show was supposed to start as early as January 2022 but due to the problems due to Covid it was impossible to finish preparing the show.
Getty Images
A great comeback
So, ten months later, Adele's show has finally started and is also the first live show of the British singer after five years of hiatus.
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