Amanda Knox has a very unexpected friendship in Italy

Italian lawyer Giuliano Mignini who fought to jail Amanda Knox for the murder of Meredith Kercher says the American "has changed" and they are now friends. The prosecutor said they now have a "good opinion" of Knox and that they text each other via WhatsApp. Leeds University student Meredith Kercher, 21, had been found stabbed to death in her bedroom of the apartment she shared with Amanda Knox in the Italian hill town of Perugia on Nov. 2, 2007. American student Amanda Knox, then 20, and her Italian boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito, who was 23, were arrested four days later and were convicted at trial twice. Both convictions were overturned due to lack of evidence linking them to the crime. Knox's correspondence with prosecutor Mignini began when she wrote him letters, delivered by intermediary priest Don Saulo Scarabattoli, before switching to the WhatsApp messaging platform.

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The strange friendship
As reported by the popular British newspaper Dailymail, Italian prosecutor Giuliano Mignini and Amanda Knox have become friends. The same prosecutor had fought to jail Amanda Knox for the November 2, 2007 murder of Meredith Kercher in Perugia, Italy.
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They write to each other on Whatsapp
The prosecutor said they now have a "good opinion" of Knox and that they text each other via WhatsApp. The two exchange messages on WhatsApp, sharing photos and family news always as Dailymail reports.
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In the past they were already writing
Amanda Knox's correspondence with prosecutor Mignini had already begun when she wrote him letters, delivered by intermediary priest Don Saulo Scarabattoli, before switching to the WhatsApp messaging platform.
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It has been 15 years
For the murder of Meredith Kercher, American student Amanda Knox, then 20, and her Italian boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito, who was 23, were arrested four days later and were convicted at trial twice.
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Together again in Gubbio (Italy)
It is also recent news revealed by another British newspaper, the Mirror, that Raffaele Sollecito and Amanda Knox were photographed together in Gubbio, Italy, just 15 years apart.
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