Bella, the daughter of two famous actors who does not like to appear in public

Bella is the daughter of two famous American actors who does not like to appear in public much, just like her brother Connor. Both boys were adopted in 1992 by a former Hollywood golden couple.

Bella is now 30 years old and lives in London with her husband Max Parker, whom she married in 2015. She is an artist and mainly advertises her creative work on her Instagram profile, very rarely posting pictures of her face.

Curious? Who are Bella's famous parents?

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Bella, the daughter of well-known Hollywood actors who does not like to appear in public
Bella is the daughter of two famous American actors who does not like to appear in public much, just like her brother Connor. Both children were adopted in 1992 by a former Hollywood golden couple.
Instagram photo
What does Bella do today
Bella is now 30 years old and lives in London with her husband Max Parker, whom she married in 2015. She is an artist and on her Instagram profile she mainly publicises her creative work, very rarely posting pictures of her face.
Instagram photo
Membership in Scientology
Both Bella and her brother Connor chose to join Scientology. A choice dictated by the fact that their father has been a well-known supporter of that Church for years. Their mother, while not supporting the choice, believes that they are both adult enough to make their own choices.
@bellakidmancruise - Instagram
Bella's other sisters
Today both of Bella 's parents have had children from other relationships, and new sisters have since arrived: Suri, Sunday Rose and Faith Margaret.
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Bella's parents
Bella 's parents are, of course, Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman. The couple, married in 1990, later divorced in 2001. Bella and her brother Connor chose to live with their father.
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