The ten most expensive movies ever

Imagine spending hundreds of millions of dollars to make a movie and then watching it fall at the box office.

In this ranking are the 10 most expensive movies ever, some were flops while others were spectacular hits.

Ranking compiled using data from IMDb and the U.S. Consumer Price Index.

The productions listed below are ordered by nominal budget adjusted for inflation according to the U.S. Consumer Price Index for the year of release.

The most expensive movies ever
The most expensive productions adjusted for inflation. Source: Wikipedia
Di Trailer screenshot - Cleopatra trailer, Pubblico dominio,
Year: 1963. Cost in millions: $372
Di Utente:MeDaydreamer - trailer ufficiale, Copyrighted,
Avengers: Endgame
Year: 2019. Cost in millions: $356
Pirates of the Caribbean - At the Edge of the World
Year: 2007. Cost in millions: $342
Di Utente:BincoBì - Formato digitale de Avengers: Infinity War, Copyrighted, https://it.wikipedia.o
Avengers: Infinity War
Year: 2018. Cost in millions: $300
Di regia di James Cameron - screenshot catturato da Valerio79, Copyrighted,
Year: 1997. Cost in millions: $298
Spider-Man 3
Year: 2007. Cost in millions: $294
Di Utente:Bart ryker -, Copyrighted,
Rapunzel - The interweaving of the tower
Year: 2010. Cost in millions: $280
Di Killb94 - screenshot catturato da me, Copyrighted,
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Year: 2015. Cost in millions: $280
Di catturato da Luca Dell'Orto - (EN) Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - Trailer 1, su hd
Harry Potter and the half-blood prince
Year: 2009. Cost in millions: $276
Di Alexdevil - screenshot catturato da me, Copyrighted,
Pirates of the Caribbean - Beyond the Edge of the Sea.
Year: 2011. Cost in millions: $276
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