Conchita Wurst back toEurovison Song Contest, photos

Conchita Wurst performed on stage at the Eurovision Song Contest 2023 welcome event. On the stage of National Lottery in Liverpool, the performer returned to sing for the event that made her known worldwide in 2014, when she won with the song "Rise like a phoenix" with which she represented Austria.

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Conchita Wurst at the welcome concert for Eurovision 2023, photos
Conchita Wurst performed on stage at the Eurovision Song Contest 2023 welcome event. On the stage of National Lottery in Liverpool, the singer returned to sing for the event that made her known worldwide in 2014, when she won with the song "Rise like a phoenix" with which she represented Austria.
Getty Images
Conchita Wurst at the welcome concert for Eurovision 2023, photos
Conchita Wurst performs on stage in Liverpool, the city hosting the final stage of Eurovision Song Contest in 2023.
Getty Images
Conchita Wurst at the welcome concert for Eurovision 2023, photos
Conchita Wurst performs on stage in Liverpool, the city hosting the final stage of Eurovision Song Contest in 2023.
Getty Images
Conchita Wurst at the welcome concert for Eurovision 2023, photos
Conchita Wurst performs on stage in Liverpool, the city hosting the final stage of Eurovision Song Contest in 2023.
Getty Images
Conchita Wurst at the welcome concert for Eurovision 2023, photos
Conchita Wurst performs on stage in Liverpool, the city hosting the final stage of Eurovision Song Contest in 2023.
Getty Images
Conchita Wurst at the welcome concert for Eurovision 2023, photos
Conchita Wurst performs on stage in Liverpool, the city hosting the final stage of Eurovision Song Contest in 2023.
Getty Images
Conchita Wurst at the welcome concert for Eurovision 2023, photos
Conchita Wurst performs on stage in Liverpool, the city hosting the final stage of Eurovision Song Contest in 2023.
Getty Images
Conchita Wurst at the welcome concert for Eurovision 2023, photos
Conchita Wurst performs on stage in Liverpool, the city hosting the final stage of Eurovision Song Contest in 2023.
Getty Images
Conchita Wurst at the welcome concert for Eurovision 2023, photos
Conchita Wurst performs on stage in Liverpool, the city hosting the final stage of Eurovision Song Contest in 2023.
Getty Images
Conchita Wurst at the welcome concert for Eurovision 2023, photos
Conchita Wurst performs on stage in Liverpool, the city hosting the final stage of Eurovision Song Contest in 2023 .
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