From Barack Obama to Kofi Annan, the universities where Nobel laureates studied

From Barack Obama to Kofi Annan: the universities where the Nobel awards studied .

From 1901 to the present, a great many awards have been given as prizes Nobel, more than two thousand, to scientists, researchers, organizations or individuals who have made a difference in the world by making extraordinary contributions in certain categories.

The categories are physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, peace and economics.

The association Ceo World has provided an accurate estimate of the universities where the awardees studied Nobel. In this gallery we tell you where the likes of Barack Obama, Kofi Annan and many others have studied Nobel awards.

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Barack Obama
The University of Chicago
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Niels Bohr
University of Cambridge
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Kofi Annan
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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Joseph Eugene
Columbia University
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Theodore Richards
Harvard University
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Marie Curie
The Sorbonne
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Paul Krugman
Yale University
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Kenneth Arrow
Stanford University
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Thomas Eliot
University of Oxford
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Linus Pauling
University of California
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