All of Jennifer Aniston's iconic haircuts

At the time of Friends Jennifer Aniston she was loved and followed for a thousand reasons but one most of all made her famous: her beautiful haircuts.

Jennifer Aniston hair has always been considered trendy, a fashion to follow and copy: the cut, the color, the styling ... And today, many years after the TV series Friends, it is still so: the hair of the Aniston remains a real legend.

Short cut, long cut, straight or wavy hair, blond color that has often been varied in different shades... but always an icon fashion to imitate and take inspiration from.

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Look to copy
Jennifer Aniston hair has always been considered trendy, a fashion to follow and to copy: the cut, the color, the styling ... And today, many years after the TV series Friends, it is still so: the hair of the Aniston remains a real legend.
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Inspiration for any cut
Short cut, long cut, straight or wavy hair, blond color that has often been varied in different shades... But Jennifer Aniston is always a fashion icon to imitate and take inspiration from.
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Jennifer Aniston's hair is legend
At the time of Friends Jennifer Aniston she was loved and followed for a thousand reasons but one most of all made her famous: her beautiful haircuts.
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The Rachel Cut
The Aniston 's hair became so famous during the TV series Friends that it was nicknamed The Rachel Cut. Rachel was the character of the Aniston in Friends.
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Her trusted hairdresser
Chris McMillian is Jennifer Aniston 's trusted hair stylist and creator of his crazy look . McMillian has been working with Aniston for many years now.
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What does Jennifer Aniston think of Rachel's hair
Jennifer Aniston stated that it was not always easy to have the straight hair of Rachel, her character in Friends, because her hair is naturally wavy.
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Rachel's hair
Rachel Friends hair is just below the shoulders, light and versatile. The Rachel haircut adapts to all hair types and helps to slim and lengthen the face.
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Tips for healthy hair
Jennifer Aniston avoids using aggressive products for her hair and prefers those of a biological nature, which tend to moisturize the hair more.
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