The historic house of "The Goonies" is for sale, costs 1.7 million dollars

The 1896 Victorian house that was the backdrop for the unforgettable film "The Goonies" is for sale. In the cult of the 80s it was the home of the Walsh family and is one of the most iconic buildings in cinema of the last 40 years.

Put on the market in the area of Astoria, Oregon, the house is a pilgrimage destination for many fans of the Steven Spielbergfilm.

Every year thousands of people travel to Astoria for the Goonies Day, June 7, the anniversary of the film's release date.

Sandi Preston bought the house in 2001 and let fans in before restoring it. Despite most visitors being respectful, Preston said some of them peeled off pieces of wallpaper as souvenirs.

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House is for sale
The home of "The Goonies" the historic Richard Donner film produced by Amblin of Steven Spielberg and Warner, is one of the most iconic buildings in cinema of the last 40 years. And now it is for sale.
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Where is it
The house "of the Walsh family" is located in the town of Astoria and Cannon Beach in Oregon. It is often a place of pilgrimage by fans of "The Goonies".
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The property
Every year thousands of people travel to Astoria for the Goonies Day, June 7, the anniversary of the film's release date. The house was purchased in 2001 by Sandi Preston and let fans in before restoring it.
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The Goonies Day
Despite most visitors being respectful, Preston said some of them peeled off pieces of wallpaper as souvenirs, so she closed the property except during Goonies Day tours.
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How much does it cost
The house is currently valued at $1.7 million.
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