The last words spoken before dying by famous people

The last words spoken before dying by famous people are unique quotes that often go down in history either as profound farewell declarations or witty jokes. In this photo gallery we have collected a list of "last words" spoken by famous people shortly before their death. Some of these phrases are absolutely epic and in line with the personality of the person who uttered it.

Scroll through the photo gallery and reflect on some of the most famous last words of celebrities.

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Salvador Dalì
"I don't believe in my death." Salvador Dalí, born Salvador Domingo Felipe Jacinto Dalí i Domènech, was a Spanish painter, sculptor, writer, photographer, filmmaker, designer, screenwriter and mystic.
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Ludwig van Beethoven
"Friends applaud, the comedy is over." Ludwig van Beethoven was a German composer, pianist and conductor and is considered one of the greatest and most influential composers of all time.
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Charles Darwin
"I have not the slightest fear of dying." Charles Robert Darwin was a British biologist, naturalist, anthropologist, geologist and explorer, famous for having formulated the theory of the evolution of animal and plant species by selection.
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George Best
"Don't die like me." Later, sources close to the player claimed that Best did not really say this sentence, as he had repeatedly reiterated in the past that he had not regretted anything. We always remain in the field of hypotheses.
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Enrico Berlinguer
"Go to your work, go house by house." Enrico Berlinguer was an Italian politician, among the most influential and iconic figures in the history of the Italian Republic.
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"My soul, you have long been a prisoner. The time has come to leave prison, to abandon the awkwardness of this body. So go towards separation with joy and courage." Renato Cartesio, in French René Descartes and Latin Renatus Cartesius, was a philosopher and mathematician French, one of the main founders of modern mathematics and philosophy.
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Charlie Chaplin
"Why not? After all, it belongs to him." Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin, known as Charlie, was a British actor, comedian, director, screenwriter, composer and film producer, author of over ninety films and among the most important and influential filmmakers of the twentieth century.
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