Lucky Diamond Rich, the most tattooed man in the world

Gregory Paul McLaren, who goes by the name Lucky Diamond Rich, is a performance artist, street performer and international festival artist from New Zealand whose act includes sword swallowing and juggling on a unicycle. The man has won the title of the world's most tattooed man. Born in New Zealand as Gregory Paul McLaren, he is of Australian Aboriginal descent and has a circus career in his past that began when he was 16. He specialized in unicycling and dangerous games, employing various accessories and even weapons.

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Gregory Paul McLaren, whose name is Lucky Diamond Rich, is a performance artist.
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Lucky Diamond Rich is known to be the most tattooed living man in the world.
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Lucky Diamond Rich participates in New Zealand's international festivals.
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His best-known specialties include the sword swallowing act and juggling on a unicycle.
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Oddly enough, the artist, despite his notoriety, does not have an Instagram profile.
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