Madalina Ghenea, timeless charm between fashion and auteur cinema

Madalina Ghenea, born in 1987, comes from Slatina (Romania). At the age of 14 she moved to Milan to start her modeling career and from that moment she has never stopped working, in a crescendo that then led her to act in very important films.

The real cinematic turning point, for her, comes in 2015, when the director Paolo Sorrentino chooses her for his film "Youth", to act alongside Michael Caine and Harvey Keitel, in the role of Miss Universe. In 2021 it is instead the turn of Ridley Scott, who chooses her to play the role of Sophia Loren (to whom she physically resembles very much) in her "House of Gucci", which sees Lady Gaga and Adam Driverprotagonists.

In the meantime, Madalina is also the testimonial of important brands.

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Madalina Ghenea, a career that began in fashion
Madalina Ghenea, born in 1987, comes from Slatina (Romania). At the age of 14 she moved to Milan to start her modeling career and from that moment she has never stopped working, in a crescendo that then led her to act in very important films.
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The cinematic turning point with "Youth" by Sorrentino
The real turning point, for her, comes in 2014, when the director Paolo Sorrentino chooses her for his film "Youth", to act alongside Michael Caine and Harvey Keitel, in the role of Miss Universe. The presence of Madalina does not go unnoticed...
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The role of Sophia Loren in "House of Gucci"
In 2021 it is the turn of Ridley Scott, who chooses her to play the role of Sophia Loren (to whom she physically resembles very much) in her "House of Gucci", which sees Lady Gaga and Adam Driver protagonists.
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Role in the series "Borgia"
In 2014, in addition to starring in Sorrentino's "Youth", Madalina Ghenea also played the role of Dorotea Malatesta in the series "Borgia", a Franco-German co-production filmed between Prague and in the Cinecittà studios in Rome.
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Brand and social testimonials
In addition to working in the world of cinema, Madalina Ghenea has appeared in numerous advertising campaigns and is testimonial for big brands. She is also an ambassador for organizations dealing with important causes such as Artists for Peace and Justice and Hospices of Hope.
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