Return of the King: the special beer for the coronation of King Charles III.

The streets of London are already stormed by hundreds of thousands of Britons, and others, eagerly awaiting the coronation of King Charles III, son of Elizabeth II, which will take place on 6 May 2023 at Westminster Abbey.

The British, it is known, love gadgets of royalty, and for the occasion, in addition to many other things, the Windsor and Eton Brewery in Windsor has also brewed a special beer. This new beer is organic, has special packaging for the occasion and will be a real collector's item.

The company, based near Windsor Castle, also has a royal mandate to supply beer to the British royal family.

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Return of the King: the special beer for the coronation of King Charles III.
The streets of London are already stormed by hundreds of thousands of Britons, and others, eagerly awaiting the coronation of King Charles III, son of Elizabeth II, on 6 May 2023 at Westminster Abbey. The British, it is known, love gadgets of royalty, and for the occasion, among many other things, the Windsor and Eton Brewery in Windsor has also brewed a special beer. This new beer is organic, has special packaging for the occasion and will be a real collector's item. The company, based near Windsor Castle, also has a royal mandate to supply beer to the British royal family.
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"Return of the King" beer
Cans of 'Return of the King' beer are sold at the Windsor and Eton Brewery in Windsor, Great Britain. This new beer was launched to celebrate the coronation of King Charles III, which will take place on 6 May 2023.
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UK-wide celebration
A fitting way, among many others, to celebrate a historic event: most Britons, in fact, to date have never seen Queen Elizabeth II on the throne.
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The official brewery of the Royals
The brewery that brewed the beer, the Windsor and Eton Brewery, is also the official beer supplier of the royal family. This organic beer is sold in cans as a souvenir but is also tapped directly in the brewery.
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British people's love of gadgets
The British people have a kind of admiration for gadgets that commemorate important events, even more so if they have the face of the royal family printed on them. Apart from beer, other initiatives have already begun: the toy manufacturer Matchbox has introduced the golden carriage that the king and queen ride to the palace after the coronation. The card game company Top Trumps introduced a new version called King and Queen. Justin Smith, who has made hats for celebrities such as Angelina Jolie and Emma Thompson, brought the king's crown models to the market using letters.
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