Richard Gere at the U.S. Capitol Building to talk about human rights in Tibet

The actor Richard Gere spoke at a press conference on Tibetan rights outside the U.S. Capitol Building.

Richard Gere is the chairman of the International Campaign for Tibet and participated in an audience with the Congressional Executive Committee on China with the democratically elected leader of the Tibetans in exile.

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Richard Gere speaks on the human rights of Tibetans
The actor Richard Gere spoke at a press conference on Tibetan rights outside the U.S. Capitol Building.
Getty Images
Richard Gere speaks on the human rights of Tibetans
Richard Gere is the chairman of the International Campaign for Tibet and participated in an audience with the Congressional Executive Commission on China with the democratically elected leader of the Tibetans in exile.
Getty Images
Richard Gere speaks on the human rights of Tibetans
Images from the actor's press conference.
Getty Images
Richard Gere speaks on the human rights of Tibetans
Images from the actor's press conference.
Getty Images
Richard Gere speaks on the human rights of Tibetans
Images from the actor's press conference.
Getty Images
Richard Gere speaks on the human rights of Tibetans
Images from the actor's press conference.
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