Rolf Buchholz, the man with the most piercings in the world.

The most pierced man is Rolf Buchholz, of Dortmund, Germany, who had 453 piercings, including 158 around his lips, as of August 5, 2010.

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The man with the most piercings in the world is Rolf Buchholz, from Dortmund, Germany
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He had 453 piercings, including 158 around his lips, as of August 5, 2010 when the Guinness World Record was recorded
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It has 16 in the right ear, 15 in the left ear, 25 in the eyebrows
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8 in the nose, 94 in and around the lips, 2 in the tongue, 8 in the rest of the body
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3 in the nipples, 4 in the navel, and 278 in the genital area
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