World's largest cheekbones, the Ukrainian model reveals her transformation

Anastasia Pokreshchuk, Ukrainian model, is known worldwide for being the woman with the largest cheekbones in the world.

The 33-year-old, famous on social media for her unusual aesthetic detail, shared on Instagram a photo of herself six years ago, before the surgeries, in which she looks completely different, natural and almost unrecognizable.

The woman filled her lips, touched up her forehead and enlarged her cheekbones. But what stands out, today, are above all the huge cheeks, framed by long straight shocking pink hair.

foto instagram @anastasiapokreshchuk
Why is it being talked about now
Anastasia Pokreshchuk is a Ukrainian model known worldwide for being the woman with the largest cheekbones in the world. The 33-year-old recently shared on her Instagram profile a photo of herself from six years ago, before the surgeries, in which she looks completely different. Almost unrecognizable.
foto instagram @anastasiapokreshchuk
The difference between today and yesterday is really impressive.  The woman filled her lips, touched up her forehead and enlarged her cheekbones.
foto instagram @anastasiapokreshchuk
Detail out of the ordinary
But what stands out, today, are above all the huge cheeks, framed by long straight shocking pink hair.
foto instagram @anastasiapokreshchuk
The reactions from the followers 
The photo published by the model on Instagram has aroused numerous reactions from her followers. "But what happened to you?" someone asked.
foto instagram @anastasiapokreshchuk
Anastasia despite the criticism seems to prefer her current physical appearance and would never return to six years ago. By the time she was 26 years old and her face had not been retouched by any filler.
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