5 famous actors who became directors

Today we are talking about actors who have gone to the other side of the camera: today these actors are directors. The line between acting and directing is getting thinner and thinner.

A great many actors who, at some point in their careers, have thought about staying in the industry but with a new role and become directors.

Today, in this photo gallery, we take a look together at 5 actors who have become directors, with more or less important results.

Among them we can mention George Clooney, on the set of Monuments Men, Ben Affleck on the set of Argo, Angelina Jolie on the set of Unbroken, Ron Howard on the set of Rush with Chris Hemsworth and finally Clint Eastwood on the set of Absolute Power.

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George Clooney. In 2002 he made his directorial debut with the film Confessions of a Dangerous Mind. In 2005 he was the director of Good night, good luck, a film that received six nominations atOscar and a good audience response. Two other big hits are " The Ides of March " in 2011 and "Monuments Men" in 2014.
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Ben Affleck: The American actor made his debut in 2007 with "Gone, baby gone", which was followed by two more masterpieces, "The Town" and "Argo".
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Ron Howard. The actor from Happy Days is a great director: Rebel Hearts, Strike Chancellors, Apollo 13, The Grinch are just a few of his masterpieces.
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Clint Eastwood. Million Dollar Baby, Mystic river, Gran Torino, American Sniper. These are just a few of the great successes he has directed.
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Bradley Cooper. He made his directorial debut in 2018, with "A Star is Born."
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